Friday, April 1, 2011

Another Day in Arica

After picking up a bike from a friend's house, realizing that the tire was flat, filling it up with air, realizing it was still flat and must be punctured, getting another bike instead, realizing that its tire was punctured too, and finally fixing the tire on the first bike, ...I finally have a bike to ride! It's pretty sweet. There's this place at the university where they guard your bikes while you're in class and there's a little old guy who works there who is adorable and really sweet. I decided to be ambitious and take my bike into el centro after class, and realized pretty quick that it's not exactly like riding through the windy roads in the woods of North Andover. I forgot that the streets are one-way and sometimes you have to take an indirect route to get to where you want to go. I didn't want to ride my bike more than I had to in el centro, so stupid me, I decided to ride it on the sidewalk so I could take the most direct route....bad decision because a) it's super scary going in the direction of oncoming traffic, and b)there are tons of people walking on the sidewalks, because that's what sidewalks are for, after all. Let's just say it was an interesting ride, and I will never again complain that city driving is hard after experiencing city bike-riding.  ;-)

We went salsa dancing last night, which was so much fun. I've never felt more white in my entire life, because everyone there was super good and seemed to know what they were doing. But we had an awesome time anyways =) the instructor was really terrible because he didn't really give any good instructions, but it was funny.....Sometimes he would literally just stand at the front of the room and say "left, right, left, right" as if that would help or something. And then at one point he pointed at me and then at his hips to tell me I wans't moving my hips enough. hahaaa. But good thing I already knew a little bit of salsa  from dance classes in Amherst with Erinnn! <3

Also, I saw 2 dogs today walking on the roofs of stores....that's a new trick I didn't know they taught dogs.

Also, my dad here lovessss to sing karaoke. He's teaching me all his favorite Spanish songs....its super fun. The other night we just sang karaoke on the couch forever. The next morning we found out that my host mom was out singing karaoke at the casino at the same time. They are always singing karaoke!!1 All I know so far is Enrique Iglesias and Juanes...but I'm starting to learn the real stuff =)

Passover is coming up soon! A bunch of girls on my program are planning a seder for the first night of passover and a little skit to present at the end-of-semester banquet, which happens to fall on the second night. We're all super excited about it, and I'm on the service committee...woo! We're putting together a little hagaddah with all our favorite blessings/songs/discussions. and we're going to cook everything! It's going to be kind of hard, considering that there are basically no Jews in Arica and therefore no Kosher-for-Passover food. But we'll make it happen somehow. Also, I was trying to explain to my family that I won't be able to eat bread for a week and they can't believe it. they literally eat bread all day every day; it's their staple. It will be interesting to see how Passover goes this year. But they're really supportive of my keeping Kosher, and even bought chicken hot dogs tonight so I could eat them...too bad they still had some pork in them so I couldn't eat them, but it was the thought that counts!

Another funny thing that happened to me.... Last weekend we were dancing at Drake (the discotec) and this guy that was trying to dance with us pulled out a business card and handed it to me... I read it later and it was legit a business card for surf lessons.... it had his email, facebook, and number. This was a double-taboo-- trying to pick up girls at discotecs and soliciting business at the same time....hahaaa. We're going back to the beach for our second surf class this weekend, but definitely not with him!

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