Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The seder turned out really really REALLY nicely! I was on the haggadah committee (haha, I know it's funny), so we were responsible for making the hagaddah. We used different readings and songs that people usually use at their own seders, and wrote in English, Hebrew, and mainly Spanish. It was a lot of work to completely make a hagaddah from scratch, but we did it! They're going to be nice little souvenirs for us to remember the night. =)
Dahlia, Lauren and I with our finished product  <3
Cooking was also a daunting task in Chile. Thank goodness that 2 girls' moms sent them passover packages with horseradish, matzah, etc. But the rest of the stuff we made. We kashered the kitchen in casa SIT (the program headquarters) and did all the cooking there with just a few pyrex, bowls, spoons, etc. The kitchen is SO TINY, it's amazing that we were able to make everything, store it until the night, and heat it all up at the same time. This is a picture of us all crammed in the tiny kitchen--it was like out of a movie with all these Jewish girls crammed into a kitchen fussing and squeezing by each other and trying to cook.

We were all super busy cooking, moving tables and chairs, and making the hagaddah for a few days before, but it was all worth it. All 27 students came, and all but one of our Chilean staff too! Only 8 kids in the group are Jewish, so everyone was interested and wanted to learn more about the holiday, the food, etc. It definitely wasn't the same as being home for Passover, but it was really special to share the holiday with other people who had never experienced a Seder before.
Cameron, Machi, Julie, and me

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