Monday, April 11, 2011

Shout out to You!

I wanted to be sure to mention how excited I am about how the blog is going! I've been getting so many messages from friends and family telling me how the love the's funny because I didn't even want to keep a blog at first. Now I'm writing in it all the time and people are actually reading it!  It's so funny when I'm talking to someone from home and they cite my blog and say something like, "hey, how about that boulder in Iquique?!" and it takes me a second to figure out how they knew about that. It's really exciting to know that people are reading and enjoying it...I'm always following the stats and can see how many views it's getting. I'm up to 468 page views already...crazy! And shout outs to you who are reading from Israel, United Kingdom, and Ireland! I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone in India, but it looks like someone there stumbled across my blog.  I guess that's all for now...keep reading, because it motivates me to keep writing!  :-)

Miss you all and you should comment or email to let me know how you're doing! 

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