Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chao Imperial, and Back to Arica!

I just got back to Arica last night and other than the 20-page paper I have to write, I am so happy to be back =) I'm staying with the same host family from before for a week until we all meet up for a few days at the hotel to preset our studies and wrap up the semester. They picked me up at the airport last night and gave me dinner and made this feel like coming home--it's really nice to be back in the comfort of Arica after my cold, dirty month in the south. My room was just the way I left it, the sun shined today, and best of all: there's internet in my very own bedroom--it's incredible! Now I just have to get writing--I have no idea how I'm going to write this paper in a week but I know it'll somehow get done!

The last few days in Imperial were really nice, too. My last day at the school the teachers gave a little speech after the class I taught and told me that the students are going to email me to practice their English.  =)

I took a few pics of my house and the town before I left to remember them...
a rural bus stop
The plaza in the center of Imperial

the vegetables they sell in the street

my kitchen!
As I was walking out the door to leave for the airport, my host mom ran out and gave me a pair of her silver Mapuche earrings. They are the traditional mapuche style, and I actually hadn't bought a pair when I was there because I felt like a wanna-be, really touristy buying them. But my Machi mom gave them tome, so I feel really proud and happy to wear them.
The mapuche earrings
Also, this weekend my gringa friends who are doing their ISP's nearby came to Imperial to visit my family's second house, which is in el campo, the rural outskirts of Imperial. We cooked lentils and chicken over the fire, rode horses, and hung out in the ruka (Mapuche house) there pretty much all day.  It was a good timeeee

My family's house and ruka in el campo

Anneliese and Monica in the ruka

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