Monday, May 30, 2011

In Arica and almost done with my ISP!!

          Now that I've been back in Arica for almost a week, I'm getting close to finishing my ISP! It's so much work and I'm spending basically all day every day on it, aside from all the fun distractions that have been going on. At this point I have written 15 pages in Spanish and all I have left is my conclusion and discussion sections, and a powerpoint presentation! It's going really slowly, but it will all be over in a few days! I'm presenting mine on the 3rd, and after that I'll be so relieved.  =)
          There have been some awesome distractions since I've been here, including catching up with a couple friends, visiting the produce market, going on runs, and a family wedding! The wedding was so much fun-- the service was beautiful and the party was basically just all dancing, all night. They have this funny old uncle who kept walking around from table to table, literally just making toasts to every table so people would drink more. And my host dad has these cousins from Bolivia who were visiting, 3 women, who for some reason thought I was so cute and kept bickering over me and making toasts to me from across the room. And basically Chileans are so obsessed with their red wine that it just kept coming. Then the dancing started and it was SO FUN. a) latin music is way better for dancing, and b) Chileans are good dancers, and c) there's none of that "I-don't-dance" business. Like EVERYone danced, even the old little aunts an uncles who left their canes at the table to dance and I really thought they were gonna fall over any second! That was the first time I went out with my parents and it was so fun. We danced forever and stayed till after 4am...good times.
             I taught the relatives how to "party-boy" or "sandwich" someone, and they thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. They started saying "sandwich, sandwich" in their funny little accents, which turned into "churrasco, churrasco" Churrasco is a meat they eat here they they serve in a sandwich a lot. So now it's a huge family joke, whenever anyone says churrasco. 
"Churrasco, Churrasco!"
me, my host mom,  Bride and groom, my host dad
The Bolivian cousinsss  =)

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